Ignite Training delivered industry insights to the UK education sector on the value of apprenticeships at the NEC’S Schools and Academies Show.
Director Louise Merritt and Business Development Manager Sorcha Murphy attended the two-day event in Birmingham and shared expert advice on how vocational qualifications are delivered and provide new skills to teams.
Advice was also provided on how to unlock levy funds to help finance employing apprentices. Alongside insights into the benefits of using an external training provider to help people develop essential skills, knowledge and behaviours which are proven to progress careers.
More than 8,000 members of the wider education sector attended the show, which celebrated its 10th year.
Sorcha said: “It was great to engage with dozens of schools and higher education sites and share information on how accessible and beneficial apprenticeships are to both the employer and employee.
“Our knowledge of apprenticeship delivery, funding and training was useful to visitors and the feedback and interest we received underlined the demand there is for on-the-job development in the UK currently.
“We are an ambitious team expanding our services to suit education sites across the country and help them grow via apprenticeships in the sport, leisure and teaching sectors.
“Apprenticeships provide people with an excellent pathway to establish key skills specific to their career of interest and are proven to support both individuals and employers.”
The event also included a number of talks which explored key issues the education sector faces and what measures can be used to provide students with the best possible learning experience.
Ignite Training attended several talks including:
- ‘More than hashtags: what it takes to commit to diversity and anti-racism’
- ‘Supporting DSLs: status, training, time and tools’
- ‘An entitlement to mental health provision: fixing a failing system’
Sorcha added: “The talks were really beneficial, and it was interesting to hear from people working in the education sector who are dedicated to tackling important issues.
“We learnt a lot from guest speakers and will incorporate the new information to our tutors at Ignite Training so our engagement and delivery can be as up to date and inclusive as possible.”
We are pleased to confirm that following the success of this year’s Schools and Academies Show we have booked attend next year’s events in London and Birmingham.
The London show is scheduled to take place on April 27 at the ExCel Centre while the National Exhibition Centre in Birmingham will host a second event in November. Full details of our stand will be confirmed nearer the time.